Construction year | 1961 |
Building type | Halfopen |
Condition | Uitstekende staat |
Furnished | No |
Orientation garden | Noordwest |
Electricity certificate | Yes, Not conform |
Elevator | No |
Area ground | 290 m² |
Area build | 175 m² |
Area buildable | 81 m² |
Width house | 7 m |
Depth ground floor | 11,8 m |
Depth elsewhere | 9 m |
EPC | 706 kWh/m2/year |
EPB ref. | 197 |
EPC ref. | 20160309-0000329547-01-7 |
Lable |
Flood sensitivity | Niet overstromingsgevoelig |
Town planning | Woongebied |
Proceedings for planning offense | Geen rechterlijke herstelmaatregel of bestuurlijke maatregel opgelegd |
Building license | Not entered |
Subdivision permit | No |
Right of first refusal | No |
Protected heritage | No |
Heritage inventory | Not entered |
Property tax | € 1.470 |
CI | € 3.420 |
CI (not indexed) | € 2.005 |